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Understanding Sleep Disorders: Symptoms, Types and Treatment

Sleep disorders are conditions that disturb your sleep in every possible way. These conditions may affect both the quality and quantity of sleep. Poor sleep makes it difficult for you to function well throughout the day. Moreover, poor sleep is not good for your health and optimal growth. Persistent sleep disturbances result in several. These sleep disorder further lead to various health issues.

We understand it is not possible to get quality sleep every night. Because so many changes keep happening in your daily life that may affect your sleep. But if occasional sleep disturbance becomes frequent, then it is not good for you. People these days are so busy making careers and doing other stuff that they don’t have time for quality sleep. As a result, almost every third person around you has some kind of sleep issue or any other health issue.

As per sleep experts, 7-8 hours of sleep every day is essential for every adult to function well. According to some recent studies, almost 8 million people in the UK are getting less than 5 hours of sleep. Although the ideal sleep duration varies from person to person.

Moreover, it’s not only the duration of sleep that matters. Sometimes people sleep for 7-8 hours but still wake up drowsy and exhausted. So, the quantity and quality of sleep both are important. People these days are suffering from several sleep disorders in UK. These sleep disorders have so many harmful effects on their health and wellness. This article will let you know about different types of sleep disorders, their causes, and symptoms. Along with that, we will also discuss various treatment methods for these sleep disorders including sleep medication.

Types of Sleep Disorders

Although there is a wide range of sleep disorders in UK. But here we will discuss some of the common ones with their symptoms.

Insomnia: Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It is characterized by several issues with your sleep which include:

·         Trouble falling asleep

·         Unable to sleep for a long duration

·         Waking up early in the morning

Insomnia is of two types – acute insomnia and chronic insomnia. In the case of chronic insomnia, people experience these symptoms more than three a week for three months. If you don’t treat it on time, symptoms become worse leading to serious health issues.

Sleep Apnea: Sleep apnea is a breathing-related sleep disorder. In the case of sleep apnea, you skip breathing for 10 seconds or sometimes more while sleeping. Snoring heavily is one of the main symptoms of sleep apnea. You feel like choking or gasping for air and wake up from sleep due to skipped breathing. Sleep apnea is of two types – obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.

Narcolepsy: In the case of narcolepsy, you feel exhausted and extremely drowsy throughout the day even after sleeping sufficiently at night. Due to this, you experience excessive daytime sleepiness and are unable to perform any activity. You may even do unusual activities during sleep. These activities include eating, walking, or talking while sleeping and night terrors. That’s why, people suffering from narcolepsy are more prone to injuries and accidents.

Shift Work Disorder: This disorder is noticed in people who work night shifts or early in the morning. Working at night and sleeping in the daytime, misaligns your body’s internal clock. The internal clock regulates every function of your body and mind including your sleep cycle. So, a misaligned internal clock will disturb your sleep cycle and affect your sleep.

Symptoms and Causes

Every sleep disorder has its specific symptoms. But there are some symptoms which are common in almost all sleep disorders in the UK:

·         Feeling difficulty in falling asleep (taking more than half an hour to fall asleep)

·         Waking up repeatedly at night and having trouble sleeping back

·         Waking up very early in the morning

·         Feeling tired, drowsy, and low throughout the day even after sleeping enough at night

·         Feeling sleepy and taking naps in the daytime

·         Snoring, snorting, or gasping due to skipped breathing

·         Eating, talking, and walking during sleep

Causes of Sleep Disorders 

You must have heard an ancient saying, “Everything happens for a reason.” So, there are plenty of reasons that are responsible for causing.

·         Physical health issues including lung disease, heart disorder, nerve disorder, chronic pain

·         Mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and depression

·         Side effects of medications (if taking any)

·         Excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption in the evening or at night

·         Genetics can also be a reason

·         Working in rotational shifts and improper sleep schedule

Physical, psychological, and environmental factors may cause sleep disorders in the UK. Although these causes may vary from one person to another. They have very harsh effects on your health and well-being. So, it is very important to treat yourself to live a healthy and blissful life. Knowing the cause will help you choose the right treatment method.

Treatment methods to treat sleep disorder

There are various methods available for the treatment of it These methods include lifestyle hacks, therapies, relaxation methods, and sleep medications. With the right treatment method, you can treat the sleep disorder you are suffering from.

Lifestyle Hacks

·         Make and follow a sleep routine daily (even on weekends)

·         Keep the bedroom dark, noise-free, and temperature with comfortable bedding

·         Avoid using electronic gadgets in the bed

·         Don’t consume alcohol and caffeine in the evening

·         Avoid eating heavy meals for dinner

·         Take a warm shower before going to bed or listen to soothing music

·         Practice regular exercise and take a healthy diet

Therapies and relaxation methods

·         Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

·         Aromatherapy

·         Massage therapy

·         Practice meditation and mindfulness

·         Deep breathing

·         Yoga, tai chi


·         Antidepressants – Silenor, Trazodone, Mirtazapine

·         Tricyclic Antidepressants – Amitriptyline, Imipramine

·         Benzodiazepines – Xanax, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam

·         Non-Benzodiazepines – Zolpidem, Zopiclone

Besides these medications, modafinil is very effective in treating narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work disorder. So say goodbye to sleepless nights with quick relief at your doorstep – next-day sleeping tablets UK.

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